Economic thinking is ready for improvement – are you too?

Just asked ‚Copilot‘ from Microsoft:
Economic thinking is ready for improvement – are you too?

and got answer below:

Answer from Copilot:
Absolutely! Traditional economic models have served us well for centuries, but they often fall short in today’s interconnected and rapidly evolving world. It’s time to embrace new approaches that consider both tangible and intangible assets, as well as multidimensional value metrics.

One such innovative model is the Business Engineering Systems (BE-Systems). This model integrates knowledge, skills, innovation, and intellectual property into the economic framework, providing a more holistic and accurate view of our economic landscape. BE-Systems introduces hybrid value metrics that go beyond one-dimensional monetary indicators, considering factors like environmental impact, social responsibility, and overall well-being.

By adopting these advanced models, we can make more informed decisions that benefit people, the planet, and profit. It’s an exciting time for economic thinking, and I’m ready to explore these new frontiers with you!

My thoughts:
Like these offer. But would like to get in contact with other ‚Value Adding Professionals‘ (VAPs) for improving the ‚BE-Systems‘-base and new specific applications in recognising intangible assets (skills, knowledge, experience… ) and the enhanced multidimensional value indicators.

Your option:
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Exploring the ‚Magic Profile‘: A New Dimension in Data Visualization

Magic Quadrant - Gartner with content profile


In the ever-evolving world of data analysis, visualization tools are paramount for simplifying complex information. The Magic Profile emerges as a fascinating development in this field, offering a unique approach to visualizing both financial and non-financial metrics through 2D vectors. This innovation could potentially complement the well-established Magic Quadrant, providing a more nuanced and dynamic perspective.

The concept behind the Magic Profile is intriguing, as it promises to offer a visual representation that encapsulates various dimensions of data. Such a tool could be invaluable for businesses and analysts who strive to interpret and communicate intricate data patterns effectively. The ability to visualize dollar values alongside other quantitative and qualitative measures in a two-dimensional space allows for a comparative analysis that could reveal underlying trends and correlations that might otherwise go unnoticed.

While the Magic Quadrant has been a staple in strategic planning, offering a quadrant-based classification of vendors based on their ability to execute and the completeness of their vision, the Magic Profile could serve as a complementary tool. It could enhance the decision-making process by providing a more detailed visualization of a company’s performance across multiple metrics.

The potential applications of the Magic Profile are vast, ranging from financial analysis to market research. It could help companies identify strengths and weaknesses, compare competitors, and make informed strategic decisions. The visual simplicity of 2D vectors could also make it easier for stakeholders at all levels to engage with the data, fostering a more inclusive environment for discussion and collaboration.

As with any innovative tool, the true value of the Magic Profile will be determined by its adoption and the insights it generates. It stands as a testament to the continuous pursuit of better ways to handle and interpret the vast amounts of data generated in the modern business landscape. The Magic Profile may well be the next step in the evolution of data visualization, offering a fresh lens through which to view the complex interplay of metrics that define success in today’s competitive environment. For those interested in exploring this tool further, more information can be found at the Magic Profile website.

(with help from Copilot)

Project NEMO overview

Overview about elements of Project NEMO (New/Next Economic Model – New Enterprise Management Options) with links to deeper insights to insede (Institute for Sustainable Economic Development) and The Business Engineering Systems (Tools for smarter Business Administration).

In English and German. Click picture to go to the overview – or here.

What is a Hybrid Metric?

A hybrid metric is a combination of two or more metrics that are used to measure a specific business objective. Hybrid metrics are often used to provide a more holistic view of performance than traditional metrics, which can be too narrow in focus.

For example, a company might use a hybrid metric to measure the effectiveness of its marketing campaigns. This metric could combine data on website traffic, lead generation, and sales to provide a more complete picture of how the campaigns are performing.

Hybrid metrics can be used to track a wide range of business objectives, including customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and financial performance. By using hybrid metrics, businesses can get a better understanding of how their various initiatives are impacting their overall performance.

Here are some of the benefits of using hybrid metrics:

  • They provide a more holistic view of performance. Traditional metrics can be too narrow in focus and can miss important insights into how a business is performing. Hybrid metrics can provide a more complete picture by combining data from multiple sources.
  • They can help to identify areas for improvement. By tracking multiple metrics, businesses can identify areas where they are performing well and areas where they need to improve. This information can be used to make strategic decisions about how to allocate resources and improve performance.
  • They can help to improve communication with stakeholders. By using hybrid metrics, businesses can communicate their performance in a more comprehensive and persuasive way to stakeholders, such as investors, customers, and employees.
  • If you are looking for a way to get a better understanding of your business performance, hybrid metrics can be a valuable tool. By combining data from multiple sources, hybrid metrics can provide a more holistic view of performance and help you to identify areas for improvement.

    Here are some examples of hybrid metrics:

  • Customer satisfaction score: This metric combines data on customer surveys, social media engagement, and customer churn to measure how satisfied customers are with a company’s products or services.
  • Employee engagement score: This metric combines data on employee surveys, attendance, and turnover to measure how engaged employees are with their work.
  • Financial performance: This metric combines data on revenue, expenses, and profit to measure the financial performance of a company.
  • Improve decision-making: Hybrid metrics can provide more information than traditional metrics, which can help businesses make better decisions. For example, a hybrid metric for customer satisfaction can help businesses identify which areas of their customer experience need improvement.
  • Improve performance: Hybrid metrics can help businesses track their progress over time and identify areas where they can improve. For example, a hybrid metric for customer satisfaction can help businesses track their customer satisfaction scores over time and identify areas where they can improve their customer experience.
  • Make it easier to compare different entities: Hybrid metrics can make it easier to compare different entities, such as different businesses or different products. For example, a hybrid metric for customer satisfaction can be used to compare the customer satisfaction of different businesses.
  • .
    Hybrid metrics can be used to track a wide range of business objectives, and the specific metrics that are used will vary depending on the specific objectives of the business. However, by combining data from multiple sources, hybrid metrics can provide a more holistic view of performance and help businesses to identify areas for improvement.

    And visualizing Hybrid Metric is another topic that helps to share and discuss values from a more holistic point of view.

    See here „

    Zwei komplementäre Strategien

    Ziele (festlegen) – Wege (bestimmen) – Mittel (beschaffen und zur Verfügung stellen)
    Das wird als Standardvorgehen für Unternehmen gelehrt.

    Dieses Vorgehen wird gerade bei erfolgreichen Unternehmen um eine „Ergänzungsstrategie“ (Option B) erweitert.
    Diese geht von den vorhandenen Ressourcen (Mittel) und Potenzialen aus. Die Fragen lauten dann: Welche Chancen ergeben sich daraus und welche Bedürfnisse können wir damit erfüllen?
    Durchaus möglich, dass es für die Befriedigung solcher Bedürfnisse noch gar keine Märkte gibt.
    Wie beim iPod, iPad, Post-It…..

    Gerade wenn die klassischen Märkte sich verändern, ist es angezeigt, die vorhandenen Mittel dahingehend zu überprüfen, ob mit ihnen neue Problemlösungen und Angebote realisiert werden können.
    In jedem Unternehmen gibt es solche Chancen.
    Sie lassen sich erkennen und nutzen, wenn man eine andere Sichtweise anwendet.

    Die zwei komplementären Strategien

    Two economic paradigms have been shiftet – which and how?

    October 2009 I have presented my paper and the powerpoint about the „Economic MindSet“ as a tool for constructing reality, the need for new tools, the innovation cycle and the foreseeable disruptive step to the next generation.

    It was presented at the „5th European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) workshop on Visualizing, Measuring and Managing Intangibles and Intellectual Capital“ in Dresden (Germany).

    Now I found some time to eliminate typos and integrate new charts and figures. You may find the Links for the paper and the powerpoint HERE (old and new version) in pdf- and ppt-format for your convenience.

    Tools for Business Engineering
    Tools for Business Engineering

    4 Phases of Scientific Innovation – Shift of Paradigm

    Under normal conditions scientific innovations (change of paradigm) need up to 25 and more years to take place. The process of change has 4 phases. A professional innovation management could substancially reduce the time to market – even for scientific theories (theories taken as intangible products – tools for mind).

    sequences of scientific paradigm shift
    sequences of scientific paradigm shift

    You may download a pdf of this graph here

    Thomas Kuhn: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
    Gerhard R. Hochuli: Das Wesen wissenschaftlicher Revolution

    Die überschätzte Kennzahl

    überschätzte Kennzahl

    Schön, dass man jetzt beginnt, sich über den Nutzen und die Manipulierbarkeit der Kennzahlen Gedanken zu machen.
    Nicht nur Griechenland machts – auch bei den Unternehmen sind die Zahlen immer interpretationsbedürftig.
    Schon Lenin hat’s gewusst: Wir brauchen weniger Zahlen – dafür bessere. 🙂

    Ein Eindampfen der vielen verschiedenen coinstar financials Coinstar Money Transfer, PORTUGAL, LARANJEIRO Werte auf eine monetäre Zahl war schon früher zweifelhaft und wird mit der Zunahme der immateriellen Güter immer problematischer. Aus meiner Sicht drängt sich ein komplementärer Massstab auf, mit dem die subjektive Werte (wie Erwartungswerte und immaterielle Werte) als „separate Werte“ ausgewiesen und kombiniert mit den realen, monetär „gemessenen“ Werten gezeigt werden. In diesem Werteparadigma haben Werte und Bewertungen eben „zwei Koordinaten“. Gibt einfach eine höhere Wertetransparenz.
    Dazu später mehr….

    Vorerst zum Tagiartikel: Uneingeschränkt empfehlenswert.

    Decision Intelligence


    Entscheiden und Intelligenz, so würde man meinen, gehörte eigentlich schon immer zusammen. Und doch ist dieser Begriff neu. Was mit „Decision Support Systems“ begonnen und sich dann zum „Business Intelligence“ gemausert hat wird nun schlussendlich zur „Decision Intelligence“.

    Die Geschichte dazu hat Jonathan Becher in seinem Blog geschrieben. Gut – wie meistens – aus der Sicht eines Praktikers der sich (auch) mit der Theorie beschäftigt. Den Text gibts hier:

    Das Bild ist aus dem Artikel von Claudia Imhoff und Colin White aus ihrem Artikel im BeyeNETWORK.

    The Invisible Edge


    „The Invisible Edge“ – Taking Your Strategy to the Next Level Using Intellectual Property
    Neu ab 5. März 2009

    Was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält. Wir wissen es. Es ist das, was sich zwischen den sichtbaren Objekten abspielt. Unsichtbare Kräfte und Energien, die Bestehendes erhalten und Neues ermöglichen. Sie sind da und zeigen ihre Existenz erst in ihrer Wirkung – in den physikalischen, den sozialen und den Wirtschaftswelten. Man sieht sie nicht in der Struktur der Bilanzen. Man kann sie auch nicht separieren und losgelöst von den anderen Elementen in Kilogramm oder Franken „messen“.
    Was Insider schon seit längerem erkannt haben – und in ihren Business Modellen berücksichtigen – thematisiert dieses Buch. Die „Intangible Assets“ als Nukleus für jede Tätigkeit und jeden Erfolg (und Misserfolg) werden hier behandelt. Für viele Manager ist diese Art von Assets noch ungewohnt. Die intensive Auseinandersetzung mit ihnen ist aber jetzt besonders wichtig, weil sie bereits vorhanden sind. Diese zu erkennen und zusätzlich ertragswirksam zu nutzen ist wesentlich schneller und ertragreicher, als neue Märkte/Bedürfnisse zu definieren und die Ressourcen darauf auszurichten.
    Die Königsdisziplin ist es dann, wenn die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten des Geistigen Eigentums richtig in die Strategie eingebunden wird. Ein Patent ist nur eine Möglichkeit. Es gibt noch wesentlich schnellere und günstigere Optionen.