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The first presentation of Vector Based Performance Measurement and Management






Screen-Shots of Powerpoint

Measuring Performance in a Knowledge Economy:
Linking Subjective and Objective Measurement into a Vector-Based Approach for Performance Measurement.


This side shows you the thumb nail of the powerpoint presented July 29. 2004 in Edinburgh.

Performance Measurement Association 2004
The 4th International Conference on Theory and Practice in Performance Measurement and Management.


Download the PDF-Version here.

These papers are part of "Business Engineering Systems - Tools for Business Administration", Registered Copyright TXu 512 154. Ask for license if you would like to use or adapt even parts of The Systems as professional.


Screen shots from the presentation


db_pma2004ppt_01.png (239204 Byte)


db_pma2004ppt_02.png (73402 Byte)

Juergen H. Daum

db_pma2004ppt_03.png (63881 Byte)

Peter Bretscher

db_pma2004ppt_04.png (134465 Byte)


db_pma2004ppt_05.png (89689 Byte)

Focus1 and Focus2

db_pma2004ppt_06.png (31150 Byte)

Tangibles and intangibles

db_pma2004ppt_07.png (35117 Byte)


db_pma2004ppt_08.png (36980 Byte)

need for "new" measures

db_pma2004ppt_09.png (24006 Byte)


db_pma2004ppt_10.png (51971 Byte)
Temperature is objective and subjective
db_pma2004ppt_11.png (93872 Byte)
Value is objective and subjective
db_pma2004ppt_12.png (29162 Byte)
Mrs. Miller's product valuation
db_pma2004ppt_13.png (36309 Byte)
qualitative AND quantitative
db_pma2004ppt_14.png (42245 Byte)
Credit Rating
db_pma2004ppt_15.png (134350 Byte)
The Concept
db_pma2004ppt_16.png (40072 Byte)
The Basics
db_pma2004ppt_17.png (38478 Byte)
Aggregation and drill down
db_pma2004ppt_18.png (39206 Byte)
Benefits of Concept
db_pma2004ppt_19.png (134328 Byte)
Practical application
db_pma2004ppt_20.png (23482 Byte)
db_pma2004ppt_21.png (50754 Byte)
New Public Management
db_pma2004ppt_22.png (66674 Byte)
Performance - Cost - Effects
db_pma2004ppt_23.png (37002 Byte)
Departments - Cost - Effects
db_pma2004ppt_24.png (45321 Byte)
db_pma2004ppt_25.png (23225 Byte)
db_pma2004ppt_26.png (36258 Byte)
Value Contribution Analysis I
db_pma2004ppt_27.png (46382 Byte)
Value Contribution Analysis II
db_pma2004ppt_28.png (22977 Byte) db_pma2004ppt_29.png (37566 Byte)
Effectiveness & Efficiency
db_pma2004ppt_30.png (22508 Byte)
db_pma2004ppt_31.png (32070 Byte)
actual and future value
db_pma2004ppt_32.png (39353 Byte)
Implementation steps
db_pma2004ppt_33.png (134178 Byte)
Conclution and Outlook
db_pma2004ppt_34.png (33653 Byte)
db_pma2004ppt_35.png (32421 Byte) db_pma2004ppt_36.png (37393 Byte)
db_pma2004ppt_37.png (41947 Byte) db_pma2004ppt_38.png (25363 Byte) db_pma2004ppt_39.png (92158 Byte)



Peter Bretscher, Ingenieurbüro für Wirtschaftsentwicklung, CH-9034 Eggersriet   Telefon: +41 (0)71 877 14 11