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Originallink: http://www.tseventures.com/Principles.htm
The Support Economy Principles
value resides in individuals: Individuals are
recognized as the source of all value and all cash
flow. Distributed capitalism thus entails a shift in
commercial logic from consumer to individual as
momentous as the 18th-century shift in political
logic from subject to citizen.
value necessitates distributed structures among all
aspects of the enterprise: As value moves to the
individual via the federations and advocates,
production, ownership and control also become
distributed, devolving power.
economics is the framework for wealth creation:
Enterprises and federations invest in commitment and
trust to maximize realized relationship value.
Wealth is created in the realization of relationship
value and depends on the quality of 'deep support' (see
principle #5).
are self-authoring: Markets for 'deep support'
are formed as individuals opt into fluid
constituencies that hold the possibility of
support is the new meta-product: Relationship
value is realized as the enterprise assumes total
accountability and responsibility for every aspect
of the consumption experience.
support networks are the new competitors: They
achieve economies and differentiation through their
configuration, quality and deep support, providing
unique aggregations of products and services.
commercial practices are aligned with the individual:
No cash is released into the federation (and the
underlying enterprises) until the individual pays.
Cash flow is thus the essential measurement of value
convergence redefines costs and frees resources:
By eliminating the replication of administrative
activities that exist in today's organizations,
convergence dramatically lowers operating costs and
working capital, putting 'deep support' within the
reach of individuals at all income levels.
are infinitely configurable: Each individual or
constituency determines the right configuration for
'deep support' he needs, and each configuration is
an endlessly renewable resource for competitive
valuation methods reflect the primacy of the
individual: Competitiveness depends on ability
to nurture and leverage new intellectual, emotional,
behavioural and digital assets defined by individual
consumption means new employment:
A new employment relationship including new career
rights, and a managerial canon of collaborative
coordination are necessary consequences of
relationship economics.
"A new Information Revolution is under way.
It is not a revolution in technology, machinery, techniques, software or
It is a revolution in CONCEPTS.".
Peter F. Drucker
Management Challenges for the 21st Century,