Another 3D-Pyramid for „mental models“.

Another 3D-Pyramid for „mental models“.

Another 3D-Pyramid for „mental models“.

Systems thinking is needed for/in natural, economic and social sciences.

And they fit well, if they are based at a common mental model.

At that time (2012) it seems that „economic sciences“ should urgently enhance their „mental models“ (paradigms) to be compatible with the other sciences.

Download PDF, Print, cut, fold, glue:

Other ideas? Original template is waiting for other applications. 🙂

Sometimes it is easier to show and transfer insights in form of 3D-Models.

Sometimes it is easier to show and transfer insights in form of 3D-Models.

Sometimes it is easier to show and transfer insights in form of 3D-Models.

This is true for Senge’s „learning organization“ with its five disciplines too.

Below is a 3-side-pyramid.

At the top are „shared vision“, „personal mastery“ and „team learning“.

Precondition is that people are able to think in abstract systems (the level below).

The base then is a common „mental model“ (e.g. „business administration“ as a specific MindSet) of the real reality.

If it is about to sustainable change management in an organization, start at creating a better „mental model“. Other disciplines will follow.

Download PDF, print, cut, fold, glue:

Any thoughts for other usage?

Gut für nachhaltige Strategien – wirkungsvoll umsetzen.

Gut für nachhaltige Strategien – wirkungsvoll umsetzen.

Gut für nachhaltige Strategien – wirkungsvoll umsetzen.

Werte im Zusammenhang sehen.

Und ja – ist ein Element aus den Business Engineering Systemen.

Hilfsmittel, um aus den vorhandenen (materiellen und immateriellen) Ressourcen und deren Potenzialen das Beste zu machen.

Originally shared by Peter Bretscher

Das Gemeinwohlprofil – eine Visualisierung der Gemeinwohl-Bilanz

Damit man sofort sieht, wo Handlungsbedarf gegeben ist – und wo er am schnellsten wirkt.

Eine Offerte an die Unterstützer der Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie.

Lizenz noch im Oktober anfordern.

Weitere Informationen zur Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie:

Must read: Shared value (from; Michael F.

Must read: Shared value (from; Michael F.

Originally shared by Peter Bretscher

Must read: Shared value (from; Michael F. Porter, Greg Hills, Marc Pfitzer, Sonja Patscheke, Elisabeth Hawkins)

Only a matter of time ‚till they use (visual) vectors for Linking Business and Social Results/KPIs.

Read how it works: Linking the Subjective and Objective Value Measurement into a „Vector-Based“ Concept for Performance Measurement.

How Algorithms Rule The World

How Algorithms Rule The World

Originally shared by Peter Bretscher

How Algorithms Rule The World

Good read – but keep in mind. The main rules are hidden in the (200 year old) economic theory.

The best algorithm cannot lead to better economy if they are the front end of a bad or inadequate economic model.

So: If you want to change the economy or world for betterness. Develop/invent an economic theory that provides a quantitative metric system for intangible assets and takes into account that values are subjective.

An economic framework that is based on tangible AND intagible resources.

And that ist the aim of „Project NEMO“ (NEMO = New/Next Economic Model) and INSEDE (Institute for Sustainable Economic Development).

A draft is in the „Business Engineering Systems“.

Business Engineering – die nachhaltige Planung und Umsetzung von Projekten in einer intelligenten Wirtschaft, in der…

Business Engineering – die nachhaltige Planung und Umsetzung von Projekten in einer intelligenten Wirtschaft, in der…

Business Engineering – die nachhaltige Planung und Umsetzung von Projekten in einer intelligenten Wirtschaft, in der auch nicht-monetäre und immaterielle Werte zählen.

Grundlagen und einige Tools dazu sind in den „Business Engineering Systemen“ dokumentiert.

Zur Verfügung gestellt werden sie von INSEDE (Institute for Sustainable Economic Development).

Die offene Plattform zur Weiterentwicklung wird bereitgestellt auf:

Das Ganze ist Teil des „Project NEMO“ (NEMO = New Economic Model)

Eine Timeline mit Beiträgen über die Strömungen in der Wirtschaft gibt’s hier:

Diese Timeline wird laufend aktualisiert

Diese Timeline wird laufend aktualisiert

Diese Timeline wird laufend aktualisiert

Originally shared by Peter Bretscher

Update Timeline Projekt NEMO (New Economic Model)

Wie die Wirtschaftstheorie vom Kopf (Markt) auf die Füsse (Ressourcen) gestellt wird.

Informationen und Links rund um:

INSEDE (open)Institute for Sustainable Economic Development – Business Engineering – Business Engineering Systems – Business Engineering Services

Heute aktuell: Zahlen der ersten beiden Quartale 2012 von UBS

Heute aktuell: Zahlen der ersten beiden Quartale 2012 von UBS

Originally shared by Peter Bretscher

Heute aktuell: Zahlen der ersten beiden Quartale 2012 von UBS

– Einmal die Zahlen

– Dann als Performanceprofil (Eine Visualisierung aus den Business Engineering Systemen – um schnell die Zusammenhänge zu sehen)

Oder lieber gleich als Exceldatei – um selber solche Zusammenhänge darzustellen?

Hier (für nichtkommerzielle Anwendung):

Hier die Originalmeldung von UBS:

OECD – New Sources of Growth – Knowledge-Based Capital – Intangible Assets

OECD – New Sources of Growth – Knowledge-Based Capital – Intangible Assets

Originally shared by Peter Bretscher

OECD – New Sources of Growth – Knowledge-Based Capital – Intangible Assets

Investment and growth in OECD economies is increasingly driven by intangible or knowledge-based capital (KBC). In many OECD countries, firms now invest as much or more in KBC as they do in physical capital such as machinery, equipment and buildings. To address the rise of KBC – and contributing to the OECD’s work on new approaches to economic challenges – the OECD has embarked on a two-year horizontal project entitled „New Sources of Growth: Intangible Assets“…..,3746,en_2649_201185_46605957_1_1_1_1,00.html,3746,en_2649_201185_46605957_1_1_1_1,00.html

Facebook pays for Instagram 300 Mio $ in (real) cash and 700 Mio $ in shares (each with nominal value = 0.000006 $…

Facebook pays for Instagram 300 Mio $ in (real) cash and 700 Mio $ in shares (each with nominal value = 0.000006 $…

Facebook pays for Instagram 300 Mio $ in (real) cash and 700 Mio $ in shares (each with nominal value = 0.000006 $ combined with an imaginary value = 29.999994 i$ made of shareholder’s profit expectation).

See short (one minute) intro to:

1. Stock exchange

2. Enterprise potential

3. Communicationg values and progress

Originally shared by Peter Bretscher

Instagram – Facebook:

Virtual (imaginary) money [i$] printing, stupid

one share, nominal (real) value = 0.000006 $

expected (real) share price about = 30 $

Making (imaginary) money/value [i$] out of thin air = 29.999994 i$

I would not pay real money for such a proportion of real and virtual value.