There's no hope to find any linear number for people or social value on the $ axis for the economic value.
The vector based value metric is a solution that allows to visualize both - the social AND the economic value dimension for any tangible and intangible object.
PwC's Logo can be interpreted as seven layers of objects (clusters), each with an objective monetary AND a subjective non-monetary value dimension.

Visualizing values beyond the economic $-metric enables new dimensions in decision making and sustainable value creation.

Link for downloading pictures below as PDF

"Profit does not appear to us in numbers alone."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Combining economic and people value/non-financials in a hybrid metric system

clusters of value(s)

Layered clusters of value(s)...

2D value metric a 2D value metric...

2D value metric

...for economic AND...

2D value metric

...people value.

2D value metric

2D values...

2D value metric

...can best be...

2D value metric

...visualized with...

2D value metric


2D value metric

It's possible to...

2D value metric

...add (and subtract) the two dimensions...

2D value metric

...simultaneously to...

2D value metric

...see whole value profile...

2D value metric

...that sums up both value dimensions of all clusters...

2D value metric a value profile that sums up both dimensions of all clusters.

2D value metric

Inclination of "green sums-vector" is the average preference.

See it on YouTube.