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  Ausgewählte Schriften
  von Dritten:
Schumacher, Die Philoso-
    phen als Kartographen

Schumacher, Rückkehr zum
     menschlichen Mass

Innovation R&D (1979)
Empathy Economy
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Date: 29. November 2010
© 2005

 We need less numbers - but better ones.




Linking the Subjective and Objective Dimension into
One System of "Vector-Based" Performance Measurement.


Customers or other stakeholders require from business or non-profit organizations today to act according to their subjective, qualitative values. Therefore organizations have to take increasingly qualitative, subjective ratings and values into account in managerial decision making. Thus, they need performance measurement systems that are able to handle subjective, qualitative measures and to combine them with objective, financial information. The vector-based concept of performance measurement & visualization that is introduced in this paper and that the authors discuss is offering a practical solution for this.

You may download the papers as pdf-files:

 "Summary Sheet" (pdf, 122kb); one page; about the authors and an abstract of the approach.

List of content for the "short version" (pdf, 486kb); 8 pages;
Abstract – Problem description – Introduction to the concept – The concept – Benefits – Practical application – Implementation – Conclusion and outlook

List of content for the "long version" (pdf, 620kb); 21 pages
Same Structure as in the short version - but more explained.


The Powerpoint Presentation (pdf 1846kb); 21 Seiten
(ppt on request)

Authors: Jürgen Daum, Peter Bretscher


Screen shots from the papers.

subjektive und objektive Werteigenschaften,
The principle of the 2d-metric
Kosten - Leistungen - Wirkungen,
costs, effects an performance
Vektor Aggregation und Drilldown
2d-values - arithmetic and drilldown
Beispiel eines Vektorprofiles
R&D (customer) Value Chain
subjektive und monetäre Werte kombiniert,
value profiles of departments
subjektive (nonmonetäre) und monetäre Werte mit Regel zur Quantifizierung,
introducing the intangible and
subjective value metric standard

Peter Bretscher, Ingenieurbüro für Wirtschaftsentwicklung, CH-9034 Eggersriet   Phone: +41 (0)71 877 14 11

"A new Information Revolution is under way. [...]  
It is not a revolution in technology, machinery, techniques, software or speed.  
It is a revolution in CONCEPTS.
Peter F. Drucker  
Management Challenges for the 21st Century, p.97