kpisquare and vector profiles - this is how correlations now become visible and communicable

On this page you can see different templates that visualize two indicators (monetary, non-monetary, subjective, objective) for different clusters (markets, departments, profit centers, subsidiaries, business units...) in a single presentation.
To the right of the illustrations you will find a link where you can download the corresponding file for Excel 2010 (for your personal, non-commercial use). For more information about the origin of the data etc., please refer to the Excel file.
You can use the templates for your own data. The files are not protected, contain no macros and do not exchange information. The elements in the charts can be changed with the usual Excel commands.


Beyond 'kpisquare':
'kpisquare' is part of 'Business Engineering Systems' (Framework and metrics for smart economy).
'Business Engineering Systems' is part of 'INSEDE' (Institute for Sustainable Economic Development).
'INSEDE' is part of 'Project NEMO' (New/Next Economic Model).

The representations are proprietary and part of the Business Engineering Systems (Registered Copyright TXu512154).
Private use is allowed without restriction and without license. Creating derivative works and commercial use requires a registered license (end-user, consultant, education, software).

Questions about adapting the templates to your needs, licenses etc.. please send an email to with the note "kpisquare".
Thank you for any comments about errors and for improvements.
Peter Bretscher, Engineering Office for Economic Development, Alpsteinstrasse 4, 9034 Eggersriet, Switzerland
Mobile: ++41 79 650 49 04

On this page you will find more and more examples.
Just have a look again.
  4 square Pattern with 4 cluster

x-axis: Number of people
y axis: Assets they control [in $]
  kpisquare Hilti 5 (or 4) Cluster

x-Axis: Net sales
y Axis: Operating Results, CO2 and Water (3 examples)

The Excel file contains three examples of Hilti with figures from the financial statements and the environmental impacts (CO2 and water)
  5 cluster kpisquare vectorprofile performanceprofile Pattern with 5 clusters

x-axis: Expenditures for 5 different services (clusters) provided to customers (in %).
y-axis: Survey of customers, how much value they attach to the different services (in %)
  10 - kpisquare - vectorprofile - vektorprofil - valueprofile Pattern with 10 clusters

Survey in different countries on how employees are engaged (Gallup survey).

x-axis: % of employees who are committed
y-axis: % of employees who are "actively" not engaged.
  10 kpisquare - vectorprofile - valueprofile Pattern with 10 clusters

The first nine energy companies of Fortune 500.

x-axis: Revenues [$]
y-axis: Profits [$]
  next business intelligence - performance profile - kpisquare Pattern with 10 cluster

x-axis: Yields of the different companies [$]
y axis: Profit of the different companies [$]

The Excel file contains four examples with data from the Fortune 500 (total list, computers, banks, energy).
  Vektorprofile PwC und Ernst & Young 2 vector profiles with 5 clusters

x-axis: Number of employees in the corresponding departments.
y axis: Revenue in the corresponding departments.

The steeper the vectors, the better the performance.
  user Gemeinden Special package Municipalities:

Here you will find a package of 15 examples (with links to the templates) for municipalities.
The brochure with about 50 pages contains explanations of the vector as well as notes on the structure of the files and how to customize the charts in Excel. (in German language)

Creating vector profiles "without background": pages 14 to 25
Customize the "vectors with background": pages 26 and 27

Download PDF
(C) 2011/2020, Peter Bretscher, - -
Ingenieurburo fur Wirtschaftsentwicklung, Alpsteinstrasse 4, CH-9034 Eggersriet, Switzerland