Tom Chi on Practical World Changing Ideas.

Vanessa Garcia Muela

20.05.2015, 16:08:47
Waiting for the next one ....

Markus Dieterle

09.02.2015, 09:09:57
I finally got around to watching the replay - thanks a lot for this inspiring coversation +Tom Chi and +Yifat Cohen !

I totally agree on the point that learning in school is not taught the way we actually need it in order to improve and evolve. I have learned much more from doing things and solving different problems than from the classes I took back at school - learning by doing seems much more effective, and not just for me.

I also see that most people prefer to see problems (as well as other things) in a binary way as this makes it easier for them to make any kind of decision. But even the proverbial medal in reality has more than just two sides - there are a lot of additional geometrical faces and sides to a coin or medal if you look more closely, starting with the rim between the two sides. And most things have these multiple sides to them, so we need to learn to take this into account, and not just look at the obvious parts (or solutions).

Sally Sue Ember

04.02.2015, 13:41:13
Thanks, +Tom Chi,   for some great ideas and insights.  I appreciate the push for highly educated/inventive/ creative/ intelligent people to DO MORE for the common good and not just make money or entertain themselves. In short, STOP being so selfish, please. Yes. 
Thanks, +Yifat Cohen , for great questions. 

I'm That Geek Web Show

04.02.2015, 11:36:40
Hey everyone...

Here's how to get in touch with Tom, and apply for his coaching program -

Mindey I.

29.01.2015, 12:51:16
You might like :) +Tom Chi . I'm working on the database of problems in that website, and am quite excited about the vision described there.

Jeff Mowatt

29.01.2015, 01:54:15
I tuned into your comment about changing our mentality from "me" to "we". This was part of the argument for a people-centered form of economics which led to an autonomous social enterprise model 

Don Peterson

27.01.2015, 11:12:23
wonderful and powerful

candy javier sakai

26.01.2015, 23:50:43
+Michael Thomas​ yur such a sweetheart w/ +Bill Reed​.sending alot of loves frm Tokyo

Bill Reed

26.01.2015, 23:13:51
Awww shucks +candy javier sakai​. You're a sweetheart. Big hugs from Washington, DC. 🙋

Michael D Thomas II

26.01.2015, 21:58:25
+candy javier sakai So are you +candy javier sakai !

Yifat Cohen

26.01.2015, 21:53:42
Always end on a high note, right +Vin Brown ? ;)

candy javier sakai

26.01.2015, 21:45:19
+Bill Reed yur awesome too...

Bill Reed

26.01.2015, 21:27:39
Holy cow!
Quite the audience here!
Hullow +Mia Voss +Alexandra Riecke-Gonzales +Karen V Chin +candy javier sakai +Michael Thomas +Karen V Chin etc, etc, etc!!

Vin Brown

26.01.2015, 21:20:28
Hehe love that ending - "Good job cat".  

Farinaz Parsay

26.01.2015, 21:17:11
Thank you so much +Yifat Cohen and Tom Chi, appreciate it.

Tim Evans

26.01.2015, 21:15:33
That was awesome. Thank you.

Sam S

26.01.2015, 21:15:31
Very interesting covering such a range of topics. Innovation sandwich is a wonderful term. So much to take in...

Bill Reed

26.01.2015, 21:15:20
Thanks +Yifat Cohen  and +Tom Chi. That was inspiring. 

Jon „the chef“ Hole

26.01.2015, 21:14:41
Ten% Hack luv it
Big thanks for introducing +Tom Chi ,
Top show +Yifat Cohen super one of the best !!!

Chiwah Slater

26.01.2015, 21:13:45
10% better! I love that. So simple, so powerful. This was a most interesting hangout. Thank you +Yifat Cohen for inviting me! 

Steve Kluver

26.01.2015, 21:13:43
Thank you so much +Yifat Cohen & +Tom Chi

Chris Roberts

26.01.2015, 21:13:37
Thank you Tom Chi and +Yifat Cohen. Great discussion.

candy javier sakai

26.01.2015, 21:13:19
Thank you for an awesome show. +Yifat Cohen +Tom Chi
you guys are awesome...See you then in two weeks then...

Clinton Vorster

26.01.2015, 21:12:36

Michael D Thomas II

26.01.2015, 21:12:27
Thank you so much ! 10% is such an Impressive Inspiration sprinkled with Brilliance on top :)

Aaron Weathersby

26.01.2015, 21:12:19
Thank you, this was a sobering and inspiring event.
I'm feel fortunate that I was able to listen in on the conversation . 

Bill Reed

26.01.2015, 21:11:59
Hehehe. So, just like in "What About Bob!"
baby-steps. :-D

Lucian Blankevoort

26.01.2015, 21:10:59
10% better life hack is absolutely brilliant

Ars Nova

26.01.2015, 21:06:17
Excellent explanation of some of the benefits of self-driving vehicles, +Tom Chi. Definitely one of the most exciting emerging technologies!

Bill Reed

26.01.2015, 21:05:03
How do we avoid the pitfalls of community distributed things? (a.k.a. K.Marx's philosophies)

Michael D Thomas II

26.01.2015, 21:04:39
Question Tom what is your recommendation formula for a self generated system for a higher conscious development structure?

Lucian Blankevoort

26.01.2015, 21:04:28
I collaboratively share everything with my friends and if you can grasp the concept that nothing you own is even yours to begin with, the system works.

candy javier sakai

26.01.2015, 21:04:27
Somebody mention "Tokyo"...Im here....

B Yoshikazu

26.01.2015, 21:02:39
Request: Tom please visit The Society for Classical Physics on Yahoo Groups when you have a few minutes. It's right up your alley.

Bill Reed

26.01.2015, 21:01:30
Awesome. So, smart resource allocation.

Rebel Evans

26.01.2015, 21:01:28
We have car sharing in Sydney - "GoGet". They have vans, sports cars etc. In Europe there is a website for car sharing -

Chris Roberts

26.01.2015, 20:58:35
Love that answer. Thanks.

Geoffrey Dodd

26.01.2015, 20:57:20
Exams imply there is just one right answer...  But do first ... discover around it......

Bill Reed

26.01.2015, 20:54:14
Giving yourself the time to think before taking action is a major part of critical-thinking.
Dude, +Tom Chi , I wish I had chatted with you the other day in DC at the #Collaborate  conference.

Peter Hatherley

26.01.2015, 20:53:32
Love it. Knowledge is the enemy of learning!

Stuart O'Neill

26.01.2015, 20:53:21
For a child, +Yifat Cohen point, 2+2 does, in fact, = 4. There is a base necessary to then bring to the project based educational model. Once beyond certain base models  then you can move to more 'evolved' methods.

Michael D Thomas II

26.01.2015, 20:52:23
Creating pathways !

Geoffrey Dodd

26.01.2015, 20:52:17
" ... entrepreneurship is about the re-empowerment of the individual..."   To be able to offer something of value to humanity.

Randy MacLeod

26.01.2015, 20:52:07
You have talked about helping people out of poverty and building sustainable systems for water, food and electricity. For our world to be sustainable at a global level, does the standard of living in the West need to be lowered significantly or do you think that more sustainable systems will address the resource depletion inherent in our current lifestyle? 

Chris Roberts

26.01.2015, 20:51:30
Question: For individuals wanting to help better society, where do you think the most difference can be made: seeking human advancement through science, or seeking human advancement through economic endeavors? Where should our priorities be as individuals and as a society or are they equally important?

Bill Reed

26.01.2015, 20:49:52
Interesting that you mentioned you didn't communicate well until you were around 10-ish. Not saying that I'm a genius, but I had a very similar experience as a child. Because I didn't learn to read until I was 8, I was forced to memorize everything.

Anita Wilson

26.01.2015, 20:48:48
thank you... that was a great answer

Lucian Blankevoort

26.01.2015, 20:48:34
Entrepreneurship is more than just the reimpowerment of the individual, it should be about the empowerment of the close community, then reaching out further and ever exponentially reaching out and uplifting the entire global nation.

Elaine Nieberding

26.01.2015, 20:48:16
Checking in - hey +Yifat Cohen  +Mia Voss , +Karen V Chin , +Geoffrey Dodd , +Coach G Moore , +Virginia Parsons , +George Green  #boom    +Peter Hatherley  - gonna drink this in in bits over the evening.  Since I couldn't make the +Collaboration DC event like +Mia Voss , it sure is nice to get to digest some +Tom Chi this way. Thank you +G+GoTo Gal .

Marc Cox

26.01.2015, 20:47:13
Hi Tom,

What do you think about advances in material science such as
Superconductivity without cooling to provide energy distribution
will be pivotal in your equations for sustainability.

candy javier sakai

26.01.2015, 20:46:19
Everybody can change the world if we all do all the efforts to change it.We have to stick to our believes & New ideas to change the world where we live to make it a better world.

Ars Nova

26.01.2015, 20:46:01
+Rebel Carratt Definitely can be shared. Just give them the link to this event page ( ) or a link to just the video itself on YouTube ( ), and the video will be able to be watched in its entirety shortly after the end of the broadcast.

Bill Reed

26.01.2015, 20:45:47
Understanding Humanity is challenging because behaviour doesn't follow logical pathways

Marc Cox

26.01.2015, 20:45:29
Hi Tom,

What do you think about advances in material science such as
Superconductivity without cooling to provide energy distribution
will be pivotal in your equations for sustainability.

Alexandra Riecke-Gonzales

26.01.2015, 20:44:34
Did I hear existentialism? :D

Marc Cox

26.01.2015, 20:44:10
Hi Tom,

What do you think about advances in material science such as
Superconductivity without cooling to provide energy distribution
will be pivotal in your equations for sustainability.

Bill Reed

26.01.2015, 20:43:33
Yep. Changing neural networks isn't necessarily difficult. Getting them to retain new shapes/patterns, however, takes lots of training.

Geoffrey Dodd

26.01.2015, 20:41:54
"Let's go create stuff.....  " says +Tom Chi as an artist, or engineer, and not as a lawyer.

candy javier sakai

26.01.2015, 20:40:49
waving,Hi there +Ars Nova

Rebel Evans

26.01.2015, 20:39:20
Definitely keen to know if this video will be available for sharing, so many people I know would be inspired to watch! 

Stuart O'Neill

26.01.2015, 20:37:40
Politicians can be one of the great change a positive sense.  They are called 'thought-leaders'.

Michael D Thomas II

26.01.2015, 20:37:05
What about the United Nations leaders?+Tom Chi

Clinton Vorster

26.01.2015, 20:37:02
its all about the Creative Commons. 

Clinton Vorster

26.01.2015, 20:36:22
The root to economic sustainability is the return of microeconomics, with communities that are collaborating with one and other.

Ars Nova

26.01.2015, 20:34:08
Got here late, gonna have to go back and catch the beginning later. Heya +candy javier sakai, +Mia Voss

Rey Ley

26.01.2015, 20:33:37
Hi +Debi Davis +Karen V Chin +Yifat Cohen +Mia Voss +Vin Brown +Molly Youngblood Geiger glad to be here.

Clinton Vorster

26.01.2015, 20:31:23
As you said Tom, a widget or and app is extremely easy to purchase, with easy payment methods such as in-app payments, and with extremely aggressive marketing or featuring.

If the same where applied to raising funds for ares that need it, the world would be a better place.

Yifat Cohen

26.01.2015, 20:31:18
Awesome seeing all of you here guys!

Sorry I can't bring you into the Hangout... +Tom Chi's on wifi and I don't want him to drop...

So add your questions here and I'll bring them up.

Anita Wilson

26.01.2015, 20:29:37
QUESTION... Tom, do you feel the new pinnacle for today's society may be entrepreneurship instead of accelerating in traditional business realm, and if so, what areas do you see the fastest growth in, outside of technology.

Mia Voss

26.01.2015, 20:26:29
+Tom Chi - GREAT job at #Collaborate  this weekend !

Lucian Blankevoort

26.01.2015, 20:25:17
Another one from SA right here :D much love

Karen V Chin

26.01.2015, 20:23:38
Hey +Vin Brown +Coach G Moore +Mia Voss +Rey Ley +Molly Youngblood Geiger +Temitayo Osinubi  fancy meeting you here.

Stuart O'Neill

26.01.2015, 20:23:01
Is his Kenyan example based on corporate cooperation in adding the nutrient to prepared food or individuals adding it to their cooking? +Yifat Cohen 

Clinton Vorster

26.01.2015, 20:21:14
Good Morning.

Greetings from South Africa.

candy javier sakai

26.01.2015, 20:16:49
Good evening gf +Mia Voss 

Anita Wilson

26.01.2015, 20:16:19
Our moral obligation......

Geoffrey Dodd

26.01.2015, 20:14:54
The #CopenhagenConsensus  reminds me of Bohr, The Copenhagen interpretation in Quantum Physics. Objects exist in quantum super-position...... No connection. +Tom Chi  ?   Water, air, micro-nutrients, solar power, survival in the developing World. (Social lessons to teach the Western World.......what does the developing World want??  How to connect...

Mia Voss

26.01.2015, 20:14:24
+Coach G Moore - Hey my brotha - miss you!

Coach G Moore (San Antonio My Home)

26.01.2015, 20:13:55
Hi !!! +Mia Voss 

Vin Brown

26.01.2015, 20:13:21
Just watching from outside while I make lunch. Hi +Debi Davis & +Karen V Chin!

Mia Voss

26.01.2015, 20:12:13
Here I am!  Hey +Yifat Cohen and +Tom Chi !

Coach G Moore (San Antonio My Home)

26.01.2015, 20:12:00
Hi +Karen V Chin 

Coach G Moore (San Antonio My Home)

26.01.2015, 20:09:16
Hi !!! +Debi Davis 

Stuart O'Neill

26.01.2015, 20:08:52
Monitoring both sides.

Karen V Chin

26.01.2015, 20:08:14
Hello, little late, but glad that I am here to listen.

candy javier sakai

26.01.2015, 20:04:53
Thats so awesome +Yifat Cohen .holding my questions for +Tom Chi for google glass & others too.

Debi Davis

26.01.2015, 20:04:47
Good question +Rey Ley - I hope they get to that one.

Chiwah Slater

26.01.2015, 20:04:23
Hi +Yifat Cohen Thanks for the invite, I have been looking forward to this.

Dan Argentum

26.01.2015, 20:04:00
Hello from the snowy cornfields

Geoffrey Dodd

26.01.2015, 20:03:53
Hello +George Green and +Peter Hatherley guys. Great thinking opportunity?! Growth =>

Virginia Parsons

26.01.2015, 20:03:09
Happy to be here for this one +Yifat Cohen 

Coach G Moore (San Antonio My Home)

26.01.2015, 20:02:22
Good Evening +candy javier sakai from Texas !!!

Peter Hatherley

26.01.2015, 20:02:13
Ready and seated +Yifat Cohen really looking forward to this! Hello everyone.

George Green

26.01.2015, 20:01:41
Good evening from Boulder!

candy javier sakai

26.01.2015, 19:59:56
Good morning from Tokyo!!
+Coach G Moore Hi waving

Farinaz Parsay

26.01.2015, 19:59:14
Greetings, here to watch.

Coach G Moore (San Antonio My Home)

26.01.2015, 19:59:14
Hello !!! Present !!!

Rey Ley

26.01.2015, 19:58:58
Question for Tom Chi, what made you decide that your knowledge, time and interest lay somewhere else than Google?

candy javier sakai

26.01.2015, 19:35:28
Oh I thought his still working w/Google +Yifat Cohen .I have alot of questions for +Tom Chi  for google glass.But I hope he can still answer it though...

Yifat Cohen

26.01.2015, 19:32:55
+Molly Youngblood Geiger, Tom no longer works at Google, so I doubt he'll have an answer for that.

But we'll try ;)

Molly Youngblood

26.01.2015, 19:29:19
Hey +Yifat Cohen looking forward to this.

If I could ask one question to +Tom Chi it would be this:

Are there any plans to advertise Google Adwords in the driverless car and could that data be tracked within Analytics, meaning data from a driverless car

I'm That Geek Web Show

26.01.2015, 19:26:43
Hey guys... notice the video..
Click the Official Site to join the hangout... and watch it.

candy javier sakai

26.01.2015, 18:42:24
will be present in sme few hours from now +Yifat Cohen .looking forward for this one..

Yifat Cohen

26.01.2015, 18:04:00
All Hangouts are available to immediate replay +Rachel Ashby. Just click on the Official Site button in the Details section to your right and you'll be able to watch and comment.

Yifat Cohen

26.01.2015, 18:02:46
The hangout takes place live at 6pm PST / 9pm EST +Mena Bruno 

Hope you can join us.

Yifat Cohen

26.01.2015, 18:02:12
You're only missing the live part +Sander Takens if you can't join us at that time.
But the replay is always available at the official site link.

Yifat Cohen

26.01.2015, 18:01:17
That's the idea +Gideon Rosenblatt  - it's the show you're watching participating with during dinner time instead of CNN and all that other blah ;)

Bon a petit.

Jose Manuel Rodriguez

26.01.2015, 12:37:47
Thanks for invite me

Gideon Rosenblatt

26.01.2015, 10:40:10
Sounds fascinating. I think I'm going to have to watch it afterwards though +Yifat Cohen, since this is right during dinner. Great show though...

Rachel Ashby

26.01.2015, 06:18:09
I think it will be airing at 2am my time. Will I be able to watch it afterwards?

Filomena Bruno

26.01.2015, 06:07:40
Thank you for inviting me though it's likely there will be time zone issues. Could you please clarify which time zone? thanks.

fehmida khan

26.01.2015, 05:30:09
thanks give me invation

Sander Takens

26.01.2015, 02:31:47
Really crap I missed this ...

Farinaz Parsay

25.01.2015, 23:54:57
+Yifat Cohen Thank you for the invitation. I'll be there to watch.

I'm That Geek Web Show

25.01.2015, 23:51:44
Hi +Darren Pike 
I hope you can join us live tomorrow night - 6pm PST / 9pm EST

You can click on the Official Site and (if you're early) jump into the hangout and get to talk to Tom face to face.

See you there.

Darren Pike

25.01.2015, 22:59:25
Good Morning +Yifat Cohen & +Tom Chi +Emerging Futures, What's Next? What's the Youtube link for the Replay please?

Vessna WS

25.01.2015, 22:19:44
+Yifat Cohen
hahaha, dream of sleeping, lol :)))

Jean-Jacques Labrecque

25.01.2015, 21:48:56
Please remove me from this list.

Jason Hubsch

25.01.2015, 20:49:15
Please remove me from this list.

Geoffrey Dodd

25.01.2015, 20:22:39
..  salivating, #speechless  +Ars Nova I like how +Tom Chi examines the nuances of nouns to create flexibility, using more active verbs! -  to free up our thinking...

Ars Nova

23.01.2015, 19:50:17
This sounds fantastic, can't wait!

Sally Sue Ember

23.01.2015, 16:04:58
As a sci-fi writer, I can see this is a perfect topic, but the time isn't good. I'll catch it on a replay.

Sulistio M.

22.01.2015, 06:42:57
can't hear an english, thanks

I'm That Geek Web Show

21.01.2015, 15:59:23
Good luck with the job hunt Stephen. What are you looking for?

Stephen Ng

21.01.2015, 12:42:19
+Yifat Cohen // Thanks for the invite, but terribly busy looking for a new job

Yifat Cohen

21.01.2015, 10:55:08
I love my sleep too +Vessna WS.. so much so that I even dream of sleeping! lol

Vessna WS

20.01.2015, 22:25:07
Thanks for invite me. I'll be there, except in the case of the Higher Force (like sleeping). But, I'll try to be awake :))

Eric Ramos

20.01.2015, 21:45:14
THANK YOU, for the invite +Corina Marinescu​! That looks like 6pm, my time and I'll try my darned-est to attend. :) I love this topic...

Yifat Cohen

20.01.2015, 15:11:56
Thanks to +Paul Simbeck-Hampson for sharing these links:

For some richer context, this is a great article on rapid prototyping:

or this recent talk:

5 Mental Debugs for Success & Global Prosperity by Inventor & Google Genius, Tom Chi: - ht +John Hagel​​

Stuart O'Neill

20.01.2015, 12:58:42
+Yifat Cohen​ Yes I'll be there. As mentioned by someone earlier in the thread you have a history of good guests. Recently though you have changed your event announcements.

I believe these substance filled event announcements will bring you a better more focused Hangout audience.

If you are creating a panel at some point I'll through my hat, and you know I have a few, into the ring. Since follow up will be key when speaking of the future of wearable and other devices I'll send some thoughts in advance when i have time.

I'm focused on opening a new site devoted to mobile, it's devices, methods of use and cover current and future implications. I should be ready to open the first week of Febuary for a beta test to a select group.

This Hangout couldn't have come at a better time. Thank you, +Yifat cohen.

espen forsmo

20.01.2015, 12:56:33
wish I was awake at that hour..   but alas no.

Hannes Schleeh (史晗)

20.01.2015, 12:34:49
Nice cat! :-)

Darnell Hamilton

20.01.2015, 12:14:52
Thank you +Corina Marinescu :)

Yifat Cohen

20.01.2015, 10:30:04
What a wonderful thing to say +Texas Hoeller!! You just made my morning!
Thank you buddy! :)

Marion Strutz

20.01.2015, 09:19:49
thank you!

Christopher „Chris“ Hoeller

20.01.2015, 07:42:14
+Marty Wetherall

I hate getting an influx of seemingly random invites from complete strangers, but from what I've seen of +Yifat Cohen is the exception to the rule.

+Yifat Cohen (although I don't always attend them), always sends relevant and interesting invites to various events. I even had a sneaking suspicion that she was a Google employee, by disguise, because she seems to be such a good representative of the qualities they bring to the table.

Knowing her, she's probably got a better gig going on, but if any buddy is listening, I gave her my full endorsement.

Greg Roth

20.01.2015, 07:03:16
Thanks for the invite +Corina Marinescu , unfortunately I am unable to attend.

Marty Ballard

20.01.2015, 06:58:18
+Yifat Cohen​ please stop inviting me to meetings, I don't know you

Hans Grathwohl

20.01.2015, 05:49:49
kann nicht englisch...Danke

Marko Turunen

20.01.2015, 05:00:58
Thank you for invite! Challenging schedule for us Finns but way too interesting topics/person to miss out.

Bahman Zarrin

20.01.2015, 04:34:11
Thanks I hope to be there

Knud Thirup

20.01.2015, 04:05:05
Thank you for inviting + Corina Marinescu.I will try to be there.

Anna Maria Zehentbauer

20.01.2015, 03:48:31
 Thank you for inviting me +Corina Marinescu  but I am at a conference.

Dimitris Georgoulas

20.01.2015, 03:38:55
Unfortunately time is not convenient! I will try to watch this later..

Vincenzo Sicari

20.01.2015, 03:34:17
Thank you for invite +Corina Marinescu , but I can not participate, because of the time zone at that time I wake up, and start my working day, however, I could not hangout in, because I use a slow internet connection, and because I do not speak English, sorry.

Michelle Cameron

20.01.2015, 02:52:39
The cat alone will be a reason to watch your hangout :-)

Nina Trankovа

20.01.2015, 02:29:57
Thank you for inviting +Monika Schmidt

Andre Amorim

20.01.2015, 02:23:34
I like "Building companies, creating a product and selling it in 48 hours" lol ... When I'm short (not at bullish side) I like "all tickets sold out" =)

Nicolai Imset

20.01.2015, 02:13:38
3 am :(

Jaco Stadler

20.01.2015, 01:52:07
Would LOOOVE to, but can't sorry. I am at a Conference. ...pssst (hint) ... driveless car vs driverless car?

Mindey I.

20.01.2015, 01:46:02
Thanks +Corina Marinescu . Currently, trying to get one of my ideas on :)

Andre Amorim

20.01.2015, 01:44:41
Yes, the next sensible question would be... Would you like to add that hangout to your google calendar ? ;)

jesús calvo

20.01.2015, 01:28:01
Thanks +Corina Marinescu​ !!!

John Kellden

20.01.2015, 01:19:25
Fab guest, fab intro +Yifat Cohen

Monika Schmidt

20.01.2015, 01:10:45
Thank you for the invite +Yifat Cohen​ :-)

cesare casadonte

20.01.2015, 00:12:21
thanks +Yifat Cohen 

Paul Simbeck-Hampson

19.01.2015, 23:26:38
Thanks for the invite +Yifat Cohen​.

Peter Hatherley

19.01.2015, 23:18:51
Thanks for the invite +Emerging Futures, What's Next? 

Chiwah Slater

19.01.2015, 23:13:59
Thanks for the invitation Yifat!

Geoffrey Dodd

19.01.2015, 22:56:09
GMT+13 hours places it neatly at 3:00pm on a Tuesday (where time begins) +Yifat Cohen 

Yifat Cohen

19.01.2015, 22:07:43
It'll be the middle of the night, or the beginning of the morning for you +Geoffrey Dodd.. yes?

Geoffrey Dodd

19.01.2015, 21:50:20
Yes, truly awesome a set of subjects +Emerging Futures, What's Next? grateful, I am.

Rajshekhar Sastur

19.01.2015, 21:13:23

Yifat Cohen

19.01.2015, 20:59:51
I KNOW +Arttemis Keszainn!! (doing a happy dance) I'm SO looking forward to this! :)

Rajshekhar Sastur

19.01.2015, 20:54:23
Thanks invited me gods always blessing you

Arttemis Keszainn

19.01.2015, 20:48:56
THIS IS SO FREAKIN' Awesome +Yifat Cohen - I am geeking out just looking at this banner!
Yipeee!  The size of our lives is determined by the size of our THINKING... its time to THINK BIG!!!

Yifat Cohen

19.01.2015, 20:45:43
True dat girlie!
We do need to coordinate that trip +Tiffany Henry. I'll make sure your stay will be more pleasant this next time ;)

Tiffany Henry

19.01.2015, 20:41:40
If I stop traveling, then I can't meet you in Israel someday! =P

Yifat Cohen

19.01.2015, 20:40:58
I think so too +Mark Thomas. Can't wait!

Yifat Cohen

19.01.2015, 20:40:32
Stop traveling +Tiffany Henry or take me with you!! :)

Mark Thomas

19.01.2015, 20:36:53

Tiffany Henry

19.01.2015, 20:29:28
Will be in another country and another timezone then. Have fun! =)